年轻人的春节没有容易两字。 除了发出沉甸甸的红包,已婚的盆友一定收到过七大姑八大姨炽热的眼神和旁敲侧击的盘问——“哟,胖啦?备孕呢?”“呀,皮肤变好了,有了?”“不喝饮料,有情况?”...
2.Since it’s Thanksgiving Day, let’s join hands and give thanks before the traditional holiday feast. 既然是感恩节,在享受节日大餐之前,让我们手拉着手说些感谢的话吧。 3.We...
Thanks! Tom also worked on it. He gave me a lot of help too. 谢谢夸奖,这不全是我的功劳,汤姆也帮了不少忙。 3. 礼尚往来型:夸夸对方 Oh, thanks very much. You look nice too. I ...
So, what are the options? Are we at a linguistic impasse? 那么,当别人道谢时,究竟该说什么呢?我们真的陷入了语言困境吗? Thankfully, no. 谢天谢地,没有。 As the Brits have long ...
英语的 comet虽然没有这层含义,但却有一个对应的说法,即 jinx。 例:There's a jinx on/Someone's put a jinx on this car: it's always giving me trouble.“这辆汽车不太吉利,总给我找...
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